In the world today, there are more than four billion email users. Email has become an essential part of our lives, especially in the world of business. Perhaps it is not surprising that the origins of email began at the world-famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology, or MIT. In 1965, computer engineers at MIT developed a system called “MAILBOX.” The system would allow users to leave messages on the computer for others who logged on later.

  在當今的世界,電子郵件用戶超過四十億人。電子郵件已成為我們生活中不可或缺的一部分,尤其是在商業領域。電子郵件的起源始於世界著名的麻省理工學院(又稱 MIT),這或許一點也不令人意外。1965 年,麻省理工學院的電腦工程師開發了一個名為「MAILBOX」的系統。該系統讓使用者得以在電腦上留言給稍後登入的其他人。



essential a. 不可或缺的,必要的

origin n. 起源

leave a message for sb  留話給某人




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