Breakdancing is a dance style that took shape through the efforts of young African Americans and Latin Americans on the streets of New York City in the 1970s. Along with rap music and graffiti, it became one of the major forms of artistic expression in hip-hop culture. It all began with DJ Kool Herc. He noticed young people often only danced during specific “breaks” in songs, where drum beats were more obvious. As a result, he started playing the breaks on repeat to create continuous dance beats.

  霹靂舞是一種舞蹈風格,在 1970 年代由來自紐約市街頭的年輕非裔美國人與拉丁裔美國人努力發展而形成。連同饒舌音樂與街頭塗鴉,霹靂舞成為嘻哈文化的主要藝術呈現方式之一。這一切都始於 DJ Kool Herc。他注意到年輕人只在歌曲的特定「間奏」中跳舞,此時鼓點更加明顯。因此,他開始重複播放間奏以創造連續的舞蹈節拍。


take shape  形成;成形

along with...  以及∕連同……

continuous a. 連續的,不間斷的




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