In Counselling for Toads, author Robert de Board was inspired by the children’s novel The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Graham and combined that with his knowledge of psychology. In addition to the characters from The Wind in the Willows, de Board added a new character, Heron, based on his own experiences as a counselor. De Board read The Wind in the Willows as a boy during World War II. At that time, he was sent to a small fishing village until the danger of the war eased.

  在《蛤蟆先生去看心理師》中,作者羅伯.狄保德將肯尼斯.葛拉罕的兒童小說《柳林風聲》與他的心理學知識結合。除了《柳林風聲》中的角色外,狄保德還根據自己擔任諮商師的經歷增加了一個新角色 ── 蒼鷺。狄保德小時候在第二次世界大戰期間讀過《柳林風聲》。當時,他被送到一個小漁村直到戰爭的危機緩解。



combine A with B  結合 A 和 B

psychology n. 心理學

ease vi. 減輕,緩和




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