For tourists visiting Italy, a great number of wonders are waiting to be discovered. In addition to Venice’s Grand Canal and the Colosseum in Rome, the Tower of Pisa is a must-see sight. Though the tower is admired for its beautiful architecture, it is more widely known for its unique tilt. The Tower of Pisa sits in the city of Pisa’s Piazza del Duomo, a square of great religious importance. The eight-story tower, which was designed as a bell tower for the cathedral in the square, began construction in 1173.

  對到義大利旅遊的觀光客來說,有不計其數的奇景等著被發現。除了威尼斯的大運河和羅馬競技場之外,比薩斜塔也是必看的景點。儘管這座塔因其美麗的建築而備受讚譽,但更廣為人知的是它獨特的傾斜。比薩斜塔坐落在比薩市的主教座堂廣場上,這是個具有重要宗教意義的廣場。這座八層樓高的塔樓於 1173 年開始建造,其被設計作為廣場上大教堂的鐘樓。


wonder n. 奇景

admire vt. 欣賞

unique a. 獨特的,特有的




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