S: Sally  R: Ron

Sally and her friend Ron are discussing what they are going to do at the Eight Flags theme park tomorrow.

S: I can’t wait to go to the Eight Flags theme park tomorrow!

R: Same here. I hope the lines for the rides won’t be too long, though.

S: I know. Last year, we waited an hour to get on the Ferris wheel.

R: And it was so hot last summer. The river raft ride was the best because all the splashing cooled us off.

S: What’s the first ride we should line up for once we get there?


莎 莉: 我等不及明天去八旗主題樂園玩了!

榮 恩: 我也是。但我希望排遊樂設施的隊伍不會太長。

莎 莉: 就是說啊。去年,我們等了一個小時才搭到摩天輪。

榮 恩: 而且去年夏天有夠熱的。最棒的就是搭急流泛舟,因為潑濺出來的水讓我們透心涼。

莎 莉: 我們到那裡後,第一個要排什麼?



adventure n. 冒險

splash vi. 潑,濺(本文為動名詞用法)

cool... off / cool off...  使……涼快下來

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