Everyone has a different personality, but people can roughly be divided into two groups—introverts and extroverts. Introverts tend to be shy about expressing their thoughts and feelings. In conversations with strangers, they may feel awkward or don’t know what to say. On the other hand, extroverts are usually talkative and persuasive. Unlike introverts who often get tired after socializing, extroverts feel more energetic after interacting with people.

  每個人都有不同的性格,但人們大致可以被分為兩類 ── 內向者和外向者。內向的人往往羞於表達自己的想法和感受。在與陌生人交談時,他們可能會感到尷尬或不知道該說什麼。另一方面,外向的人通常健談且有說服力。與社交後經常感到疲倦的內向者不同,外向者在與人互動後感覺更有活力。


roughly adv. 大致地

awkward a. 尷尬的

talkative a. 健談的

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