When it comes to Japanese art, few works are more representative of the country than Katsushika Hokusai’s The Great Wave off Kanagawa. Hokusai was an artist of Japan’s Edo period, which lasted from 1603 to 1868. This period saw the flourishing of ukiyo-e, or “pictures of the floating world,” a popular art form that reflected the economic growth and peace of the time. Following a period of war, the Tokugawa shogunate established order, which allowed for general prosperity across Japan.

  說到日本藝術,很少有作品比葛飾北齋的《神奈川沖浪裏》更能代表日本。葛飾北齋是日本江戶時代的藝術家,江戶時代從 1603 年持續至 1868 年。這段時期見證了浮世繪的興盛,浮世繪的意思為「浮世的畫」,其為一種反映當時經濟成長和天下太平的流行藝術形式。經歷一段戰亂的時期後,德川幕府建立了秩序,這使日本各地普遍享盡繁榮。


representative a. 代表性的

represent vt. 象徵,代表

reflect vt. 反映

order n. 秩序(不可數)

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