However, there are still some concerns about 3D-printed houses. People aren’t sure how these houses will meet local building codes. This can make it difficult to get building permits and might restrict the use of the technology for a while. There is also doubt about whether 3D-printed structures are firm enough to last a long time and endure possible damage. While some problems need to be addressed, 3D printing technology offers a promising future for those who wish to buy affordable houses.

  然而,3D 列印房屋仍有一些令人擔憂之處。人們不確定這些房屋該如何符合當地的建築法規。這或許會導致短期內難以取得建築許可,並可能限制該技術的使用。人們也懷疑 3D 列印結構是否足夠堅固到能持續很長時間並承受可能的損壞。雖然有些問題需要解決,但 3D 列印技術仍然為那些希望能購買價格實惠的房子的人提供了光明的未來。


permit n. 許可證

structure n. 結構;建築物

affordable a. 負擔得起的




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