Today, many people are drawn to the concept of dining in the dark and eager to give it a try. The original idea of dining in the dark came from an exhibition called Dialogue in the Dark in France in 1993. As part of the exhibition, a special dining-in-the-dark event was held with food offered in total darkness. Following the success of its debut, the exhibition made its way to Zurich, Switzerland, in 1998.
如今,許多人都被在黑暗中用餐的概念所吸引並渴望嘗試。在黑暗中用餐的最初想法來自 1993 年在法國舉辦的一場名為「黑暗中的對話」的展覽。作為該展覽的環節之一,舉行了一場特別的黑暗中用餐活動,其在完全漆黑的環境下供應食物。首次登場成功後,該展覽於 1998 年抵達瑞士蘇黎世。
dine vi. 用餐,吃飯
diner n. 用餐者
be eager to V 渴望(做)……
exhibition n. 展覽

壹蘋派生活美語 爆米花是怎麼來的?