Chusovitina is a legend in the gymnastics world. Although she is in her late forties, she continues to compete against gymnasts who are in their teens or early twenties. In 2002, she gave up the chance to retire from the sport when her son was diagnosed with leukemia. In order to pay for his medical expenses, she moved to Germany. She started to compete for its national team at the age of 31, which is an advanced age for a gymnast.

  丘索維金娜是體操界的傳奇人物。儘管她已年近五十,她仍然繼續與十幾歲或二十幾歲出頭的體操選手競爭。2002 年,她的兒子被診斷出患有白血病時,她放棄了退役的機會。為了支付他的醫療費用,她搬到了德國。她在三十一歲開始為該國國家隊出賽,這對體操選手來說已經是高齡了。


compete against...  和……比賽∕競爭

compete vi. 比賽,競爭

give up...  放棄……

expense n. 支出,開銷




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