It is common to see dogs helping the police sniff out drugs and other illegal materials. In recent years, a new kind of detection dog has been introduced—electronic storage detection dogs. These dogs are trained to recognize the smell of electronic storage devices like smartphones, hard drives, or flash drives. In September 2023, Taiwan started using its first electronic storage detection dog to help the police find such devices. The dog was named Wafer as a nod to Taiwan’s semiconductor industry.

  狗狗幫助警察嗅出毒品和其他非法物品是很常見的。近年來,出現了一種新型偵測犬 ── 電子產品偵測犬。這些狗被訓練來識別智慧型手機、硬碟或隨身碟等電子儲存裝置的氣味。2023 年九月,臺灣開始使用第一隻電子產品偵測犬來幫助警方尋找這類裝置。這隻狗被命名為 Wafer 以向臺灣半導體產業致敬。


detection n. 偵測;察覺

detect vt. 偵測;察覺

drug n. 毒品

recognize vt. 辨認,辨識




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