Breakdancing has come a long way from the city streets where it began. There have been international competitions since the 1990s. This dance form made its debut as an official sport at the 2018 Youth Olympic Games in Argentina and was featured in the Asian Games for the first time in 2022. Due to its success at those events, breakdancing will be included in the biggest of all sporting occasions—the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, France.

  霹靂舞自從起源於城市街頭以來已有大幅進展。從 1990 年代起就有國際性賽事。這種舞蹈形式於 2018 年的阿根廷青年奧林匹克運動會首次以正式體育賽事亮相,並在 2022 年首度出現在亞洲運動會上。由於在這些賽事中獲致成功,霹靂舞將被列入最大規模的體育盛事中 ── 於法國巴黎舉辦的 2024 年奧林匹克運動會。


international a. 國際性的

make one’s debut  某事物∕人的首次亮相

debut n. 首次亮相

occasion n. 場合





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