One of the greatest achievements of the human race is our development of languages. Over thousands of years, humans have created more than seven thousand languages. Many of these languages are very different from one another, but there is an experiment that shows how different languages can still share some basic connections. The Bouba-Kiki experiment was first carried out in 2001. In the experiment, participants are shown two abstract line drawings. One of them has rounded edges, and the other has spiky corners.

  人類最偉大的成就之一是語言的發展。數千年來,人類創造了七千多種語言。其中許多語言彼此之間有顯著的差異,但有一個研究顯示,不同語言仍可以共享一些基本的關聯。波巴奇奇實驗首次於 2001 年進行。在實驗中,參與者被展示兩張抽象的線條圖。其中一張有圓角,另一張則有尖角。



achievement n. 成就

be different from...  和……不同

experiment n. 實驗




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