In the 1940s, legendary writer Eugene O’Neill wrote a touching prose poem to his dying dog, Blemie. O’Neill wanted to honor Blemie and comfort his wife, who was sad about the death of their pet. Later, he would publish it under the title The Last Will and Testament of an Extremely Distinguished Dog. The prose poem is written as if the author were Blemie—an elderly dog who knows he is dying.

  1940 年代,傳奇作家尤金.歐尼爾寫了一首感人的散文詩給他瀕死的狗狗柏萊明。歐尼爾想向柏萊明致敬並安慰他的妻子,她對他們寵物的逝世感到很傷心。後來,他以《一隻狗的遺囑》為題出版了這首詩。這首散文詩的寫作方式就好像作者是柏萊明 ── 一隻知道自己正瀕臨死亡的老狗。



touching a. 感人的

honor vt. 向……致敬

elderly a. 年長的




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