C: Corey  M: Marian

Corey and Marian are taking notes about ideas they have for the trade fair.

C: How can we catch potential investors’ attention?

M: How about we hire a speaker to give a speech to promote our company? 

C: Sure. But that will be expensive. I thought you were worried about losing money.

M: Of course, I don’t want to lose money. But if we’re already investing so much in this trade fair, what’s a little more?

C: You’ve surprised me again. All right. Let’s do that. I’m sure we’ll be able to strike a lot of great business deals then.


柯 瑞: 我們要如何才能吸引潛在投資者的注意呢?

瑪麗安: 我們聘請一位講者來演講以宣傳我們的公司怎麼樣?

柯 瑞: 好啊。但那會很昂貴。我以為妳擔心賠錢。

瑪麗安: 我當然不想賠錢。但是,如果我們已經在這個貿易展上投入了這麼多,再多花點錢又何妨?

柯 瑞: 妳又讓我吃驚了。好的。我們這樣做吧。我相信到時候我們能夠達成很多不錯的交易的。

瑪麗安: 我也是。我現在感到非常有希望。謝謝你說服我這樣做。



catch sb’s attention  吸引某人的注意

potential a. 可能的,潛在的

hire vt. 僱用

免費線上聽外師朗讀 https://ivyforfree.pse.is/3jks97







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