C: Corey  M: Marian

Corey shows his business partner, Marian, a website for an upcoming trade fair.

C: There is a trade fair coming up in September. Do you think we should attend?

M: Probably not. It will take a lot of work to prepare for it. Also, it costs a lot just to get a spot.

C: I know it’ll be costly, but joining it will give us an opportunity to make connections with different suppliers and buyers. We’ll be able to increase sales in the long run.

M: Yeah. But there’s also a chance that no one will be interested in our products.


柯 瑞: 九月分有個貿易展。妳認為我們應該參加嗎?

瑪麗安: 可能不要。它需要做很多準備工作。而且,光是為了獲得一個攤位就要花很多錢。

柯 瑞: 我知道成本會很高,但參加了會讓我們有機會與不同的供應商和買家建立聯繫。從長遠來看,我們將能夠增加銷售額。

瑪麗安: 是啊。但也有可能沒有人對我們的產品感興趣。


a trade fair  貿易展

costly a. 昂貴的

in the long run  從長遠來看

免費線上聽外師朗讀 https://ivyforfree.pse.is/3jks97








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