Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which is a pigment that gives carrots their orange color. In a human’s small intestine, this pigment is turned into vitamin A. If a lot of carrots are consumed, some of the pigment goes into the bloodstream. This can result in carotenemia, which turns the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet, or knees orange. Luckily, carotenemia is basically harmless. It’s usually found in babies who eat too much carrot or sweet potato as baby food. Even though it is sometimes mistaken for a serious illness, carotenemia doesn’t affect the health of babies.

胡蘿蔔富含β-胡蘿蔔素,這是一種使胡蘿蔔呈現橙色的色素。在人體的小腸中,這種色素轉化為維生素 A。如果大量食用胡蘿蔔,一些色素會進入血流。這可能導致胡蘿蔔素血症,使手掌、腳底或膝蓋變成橙色。幸運的是,胡蘿蔔素血症基本上是無害的。它通常出現在吃太多以胡蘿蔔或番薯作為嬰兒食品的嬰兒身上。儘管有時會被誤認為是嚴重疾病,但胡蘿蔔素血症不會影響嬰兒的健康。



be rich in...  富含……

consume vt. 吃,喝,攝取

be mistaken for...  被誤認為……









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