For some, however, clowns are no laughing matter. This doesn' t mean simply finding clowns scary as many people do. Instead, there is a real clown phobia — coulrophobia. When those who suffer from it see a clown, their first reaction is to turn tail and run. Why would anyone be so afraid of a silly clown? The makeup, or face paint, is one reason. It hides not only the clown' s true identity but their emotions as well, often twisting them behind a wide, evil smile.

然而對於某些人來說,小丑可不是鬧著玩的。這並不意味著像許多人一樣只是覺得小丑嚇人。相反地,有一種真正對於小丑的恐懼 ─ 小丑恐懼症。當患此病的人看到小丑,第一反應就是轉身逃跑。為什麼會有人如此害怕呆呆的小丑?妝容或臉彩是原因之一。它不僅隱藏了小丑的真實身分也隱藏了他們的情緒,經常以燦爛的邪惡笑容將它們曲解。

suffer from. . .   罹患. . . 疾病;受. . . 之苦
reaction n. 反應
identity n. 身分
The identity of the killer is still unknown at this point.
twist vt. 扭曲;扭轉







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