To this day, the origin of torii gates remains unknown. Some experts think the first torii were based on similar structures built in India, China, Thailand, or Korea. Others believe that the history of torii dates back to ancient times. In Japanese mythology, the sun goddess, Amaterasu, hid inside a cave and refused to come out. So, other gods built a giant perch for roosters, hoping it would catch her attention. According to legend, this is how the first torii gate was built.

時至今日,鳥居的起源仍然未知。有些專家認為第一座鳥居參考了在印度、中國、泰國或韓國的相似建築。其他專家則認為鳥居的歷史要追溯到遠古時代。在日本神話中,太陽女神 ─ 天照大神 ─ 躲在山洞裡拒絕出來。所以,其他神製造了一個給公雞安居的巨大棲木,希望它能夠吸引女神的注意力。根據傳說,第一座鳥居就是這樣被建造的。

生活必備字詞: remain vi. 依然,保持 structure n. 建築物;構造體 date back to + 時間  可追溯至. . . (時間) refuse to V  拒絕(做). . .

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