J:John  A:Ariel The next day, John and Ariel meet at the office. J:Since we' ll also be meeting Japanese representatives, I went ahead and did some research on their customs. A:So, what did you find? J:I read that it' s very bad manners to be late in Japan. A:That' s right, and when you give out your business card, you should offer it with both hands. I made that mistake the last time I was in Japan. J:What happened after? A:Luckily, my client later reminded me about that, and he understood I wasn' t trying to be rude.

隔天,約翰和愛莉兒相約在辦公室。 約 翰:由於我們也會和日本代表會面,所以我就著手研究一些他們的風俗習慣。 愛莉兒:所以,你得出了什麼? 約 翰:我讀到在日本,遲到是非常不禮貌的行為。 愛莉兒:沒錯,還有在遞名片時,你應該用雙手呈上。我上次在日本時就犯了這個錯。 約 翰:那之後發生了什麼事? 愛莉兒:很幸運地,我的客戶後來提醒了我這件事,他也理解我並不是故意失禮的。

生活必備字詞: custom n. 習慣,風俗 bad manners  沒禮貌,不好的禮儀 client n. 客戶 remind sb about sth  提醒某人某事

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