E: Emma  P: Phillip

Phillip takes his friend Emma to the farmer’s market to buy some food.

E: I’ve never been to a farmer’s market before. There’s so much produce for sale.

P: The best part is that everything is fresh, organic, and grown locally.

E: What do you usually buy when you come here?

P: It depends. Today, I’m looking for some carrots, onions, and a bit of rosemary.

E: What do you plan on cooking with those?

P: I want to make a stew with some mushrooms and potatoes.

E: That sounds good. Will you share it with me?


艾 瑪: 我以前從未去過農夫市場。這裡賣好多農產品喔。

菲利普: 最棒的是所有東西都是新鮮、有機的,而且是在當地種植。

艾 瑪: 你來這裡通常會買什麼?

菲利普: 這要看狀況。今天,我要找一些胡蘿蔔、洋蔥和一點迷迭香。

艾 瑪: 你打算用這些做什麼菜呢?

菲利普: 我想用一些蘑菇和馬鈴薯做一道燉菜。

艾 瑪: 聽起來不錯。你願意和我分享嗎?


produce n. 農產品(不可數)

for sale  出售

organic a. 有機的

◆免費線上聽外師朗讀 https://ivyforfree.pse.is/3jks97



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