Modern life can be stressful. When we aren’t busy at school or work, we are overloaded with messages and information from our cellphones. South Korea’s Space-Out Competition was founded to remind us that it’s OK to take it easy sometimes. The first Space-Out Competition was held in 2014. Since then, it has become an annual event. The purpose of the competition is to help people achieve peace of mind. It encourages people to come together and do absolutely nothing.

  現代生活可能充滿壓力。當我們不忙於學校或工作時,我們會因手機上的訊息和資訊感到負荷過重。創立南韓發呆大賽是為了提醒我們,偶爾放輕鬆是沒關係的。首屆發呆大賽於 2014 年舉辦。自此之後,它已成為一年一度的賽事。該賽事的目的是幫助人們獲得內心的平靜。它鼓勵人們聚在一起、無所事事。



stressful a. 壓力大的

be overloaded with...  負荷過多的……

overload vt. 使超載;使負荷過多

remind sb + that 子句  提醒某人……

remind vt. 提醒




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壹蘋派生活美語 祕密花園(二)