C: Chris  H: Helena

Chris and Helena are discussing their next trip at Chris’ house.

C: I think it’s about time to plan our next trip. Where do you think we should go?

H: I was thinking of a tropical place. How about Bali?

C: Bali sounds amazing. But before we get too carried away picturing ourselves on the beach, we should check our passports to make sure they’re still valid.

H: Good point. Let me grab mine. Oh, no! It looks like my passport is about to expire.


克理斯: 我想是時候來計劃我們的下一次旅行了。妳覺得我們應該去哪裡?

海倫娜: 我在想一個熱帶的地方。峇里島怎麼樣?

克理斯: 峇里島聽起來很棒。但在我們興奮得忍不住想像自己身處海灘的畫面前,我們應該先檢查一下護照,確保它們都還在有效期內。

海倫娜: 說得好。讓我拿一下我的護照。喔,不!看來我的護照快要到期了。



passport n. 護照

it’s about time to V  該是做……的時候了

tropical a. 熱帶的

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