Every time something new is invented, there are people trying to make a quick buck. In the case of email, the problem is spam, which is typically defined as unwanted messages. It is used for various purposes, such as to market products and services or to trick people into giving out their personal data. The first spam email was sent in 1978 by Gary Thuerk as an advertisement for his company. The first use of the term “spam” appeared in 1993, when a person accidentally posted 200 messages to a group of people.

  每當新事物被發明出來,就會有人試圖賺快錢。以電子郵件而言,問題是垃圾郵件,它通常被定義為不受歡迎的訊息。它用於各種用途,例如行銷產品與服務或誘騙人們洩露其個人資料。第一封垃圾郵件由蓋瑞.圖爾克在 1978 年送出,以作為其公司的廣告。「垃圾郵件」一詞在 1993 年首次使用,當時有個人不小心向一群人發送兩百則訊息。



be defined as...  被定義為……

trick sb into V-ing  欺騙某人(做)……

give out...  透露……

◆免費線上聽外師朗讀 https://ivyforfree.pse.is/3jks97



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