S: Sam  R: Rebecca

Sam and Rebecca are discussing next week’s field trip to a university.

S: What’s that you’re reading, Rebecca?

R: Oh. This is the parent’s consent form for the field trip next week.

S: I’ve already turned mine in to Ms. Hu. You’d better hurry up and get your parents to sign it because it’s due tomorrow. 

R: I know, but I haven’t decided which university I want to visit. 

S: That’s easy. Just choose National Taiwan Normal University.

R: Why?

S: Because that’s the one I chose.

R: Very funny. I’m not at all interested in being a teacher, though.



山 姆: 妳在看什麼,蕾貝嘉?

蕾貝嘉: 喔。這是下週校外教學的家長同意書。

 山 姆: 我已經把我的交給胡老師了。妳最好趕快讓妳的父母簽名,因為明天就是截止日了。

蕾貝嘉: 我知道,但我還沒決定好要去參訪哪間大學。

山 姆: 那很簡單。就選國立臺灣師範大學吧。

蕾貝嘉: 為什麼?

山 姆: 因為我選那間。

蕾貝嘉: 呵呵,你真幽默。但我對當老師一點興趣都沒有。



campus n. 校園

on / off campus  在校園內∕外

a field trip  校外教學

turn... in / turn in...  繳交……


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