R: Rebecca  S: Sam 

Rebecca is asking Sam about his study habits.

R: Sam, how many hours of homework do you do each night?

S: It depends on how many assignments I have.

R: Well, how about last Thursday night?

S: Let me see if I can remember. I think it took me about two hours to finish my math and English assignments, and then I studied physics for about an hour.

R: I don’t remember there being any physics test coming up.

S: There isn’t. I was just studying. Even though the teacher doesn’t give us homework, I still review our past lessons. Physics is one of my weaker subjects, so I want to improve it.


蕾貝嘉: 山姆,你每晚做幾個小時的回家作業?

山 姆: 這取決於我有多少作業耶。

蕾貝嘉: 嗯,那上週四晚上呢?

山 姆: 讓我想想是否還記得。我想我花了大約兩個小時完成數學和英文作業,然後我念了大約一個小時的物理。

蕾貝嘉: 我不記得近期有任何物理考試。

山 姆: 是沒有。我只是在複習。儘管老師沒有給我們作業,我還是會複習以前的課程。物理是我較不擅長的科目之一,所以我想進步。



depend on...  取決於……

be coming up  即將到來,就要發生

review vt. 複習

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