: Sandy   R: Roland

Sandy and Roland are shopping in a department store in Tokyo. Suddenly, a man bumps into Sandy, and she trips and almost falls.

S: Ugh, why is it so crowded here? Can’t people watch where they’re going?

R: Well, it’s probably because of revenge travel.

S: What’s that?

R: It’s the situation that’s happening now. People are traveling more than usual to make up for the time they lost during the pandemic.

S: Oh, I see. That’s what we’re doing, too, isn’t it?

R: Exactly! And it’s not just happening here in Tokyo. People are traveling all over the world and experiencing new things.


珊 蒂: 哎呀,為什麼這裡這麼擠?大家不能看好他們要往哪走嗎?

羅 蘭: 嗯,這大概是因為報復性旅遊。

珊 蒂: 那是什麼?

羅 蘭: 那是現在正在發生的情況。人們比平常更頻繁地旅遊以彌補他們在疫情期間沒玩到的時間。

珊 蒂: 喔,我懂了。那也是我們現在正在做的,對吧?

羅 蘭: 沒錯!而且這不是只發生在東京。人們正在世界各地旅遊並體驗新事物。



bump into...  撞上……

crowded a. 擁擠的

situation n. 情況

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