The canelé is a significant part of French heritage that is enjoyed all over the world. Philippe Baillardran is the son of a pastry chef from Bordeaux. In 1988, he started a company that sold only canelés. His brand gained popularity and started selling the tiny cakes in airports and train stations. Other companies also set out to specialize in the tasty pastry. Chefs around the world are making changes to the original recipe.
受到全世界人們喜愛的可麗露是法國遺產很重要的一部分。菲力浦.巴亞爾德朗是一位波爾多點心師傅的兒子。1988 年,他開了一間只賣可麗露的公司。他的品牌廣受歡迎,並開始在機場和火車站販售這道小蛋糕。其他公司也著手專精於這道美味的點心。世界各地的廚師正在對原先的食譜做出改變。
significant a. 重要的,重大的
popularity n. 受歡迎;普及
set out to V 著手進行……
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