J: Jason A: Amy

Amy pays Jason a visit after he returns from his trip to Thailand.

A: So, what did you think of Thailand?

J: It was great! The temples were marvelous and the people were so friendly.

A: That’s why they call it the Land of Smiles. Did you bring back some souvenirs?

J: Definitely. I want to give all my family members and friends something to let them know I thought of them while on my trip.

A: Aw, that’s nice. What did you get everyone?

J: I got my mom a handmade bag.


艾 咪: 所以,你覺得泰國怎麼樣?

傑 森: 很棒啊!那裡的寺廟令人驚歎,人們也都很友善。

艾 咪: 這就是為什麼大家稱泰國為微笑之地。你有帶一些紀念品回來嗎?

傑 森: 當然。我想給我所有的家人及朋友一些紀念品,好讓他們知道我旅行時都有想著他們。

艾 咪: 噢,那很好耶。你買了什麼給大家?

傑 森: 我買了一個手工包包給我媽媽。



What do you think of...?  你覺得……怎麼樣?

marvelous a. 令人驚歎的,絕妙的

souvenir n. 紀念品

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