A: Anita  J: Jeremy

Anita finishes looking over the notes.

J: If you agree to a higher monthly payment and are prepared to extend the contract for another year, we would be willing to agree to that.

A: So, you’re saying that the only way to get the service is that we accept these conditions?

J: Exactly. Is there any reason why you can’t agree to our request?

A: Mr. Morris, we cannot change the length of the contract. The length of our campaigns is based on many factors, including the time of year, seasons, holidays, and many other factors that are not under our control.


傑瑞米: 如果妳同意每個月付更高額的款項並準備將合約再延長一年,我們就同意妳的要求。

艾妮塔: 所以,你的意思是只有接受這些條件我們才能享有這個服務嗎?

傑瑞米: 沒錯。有任何讓妳無法同意我們要求的理由嗎?

艾妮塔: 莫里斯先生,我們不能改變合約的時間長度。我們的活動長度取決於很多因素,包括一年中的時間、季節、假日和其他各種不可控的因素。


extend vt. 延長;延伸

condition n. 條件

campaign n. 活動;運動

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