He wasn' t satisfied with just becoming a star on the court, though. Giannis'  childhood taught him how difficult life is for poor people. Now, he is active in many community programs so he can give back to others. In 2018, he donated money and volunteered to hand out over 27,000 meals to people in need. In the following year, he also returned to Greece, where he organized a special charity event for children with cancer.

然而,他並不單單滿足於成為球場上的明星。揚尼斯的童年讓他知道對窮人來說生活是多麼地艱辛。如今,他活躍於許多社區服務以回饋他人。2018 年,他捐錢並自願發送超過兩萬七千份餐食給需要的人。在接下來的一年,他也回到希臘,為癌症病童籌劃一場特別的慈善活動。

be satisfied with. . .  對. . .  感到滿意
active a. 活躍的
give back to. . .   回饋於. . . 
Creating art is Lily’s way to give back to society.

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