Sanyi, a town located in central Taiwan’s Miaoli County, is famous for woodcarving. Sanyi’s woodcarving industry dates back to the early 1900s, when the Japanese colonial government began harvesting camphor trees in the area. After the harvest, the Japanese government decided to use the area to plant tea trees. However, workers first had to remove huge roots that were left in the ground from the old camphor forest. These roots provided artists with natural materials to carve all sorts of amazing things. Woodcarving in Sanyi broke new ground in the 1940s thanks to a man named Liu De-chun.

  三義為臺灣中部苗栗縣的一座小鎮,其以木雕聞名。三義的木雕產業可追溯至二十世紀初期,當時日本殖民政府開始在該地區採伐樟樹。採伐後,日本政府決定將該地區用於種植茶樹。然而,工人們首先必須移除先前樟樹森林遺留在地底的巨大樹根。這些樹根為藝術家提供天然的材料來雕刻各式各樣令人驚豔的物品。在 1940 年代,三義木雕有開創性的突破,這歸功於一位名叫劉恴春(編按:「恴」音同「德」)的男子。


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