The idea for Guinness World Records came from Sir Hugh Beaver, the managing director of the Guinness Brewery. He got into an argument about Europe’s fastest game bird when attending a shooting party in 1951. Three years later, he asked researchers, twin brothers Norris and Ross McWhirter, to create a reference book of facts and figures. The book was assembled in the hope of settling similar disputes. It took them around 13 weeks to complete the first edition of the book under the name The Guinness Book of Records.

  《金氏世界紀錄大全》的想法來自於休.比佛爵士,他是健力士啤酒廠的總經理(編按:《金氏世界紀錄大全》的名稱源自健力士啤酒廠的 Guinness,但兩者的中文翻譯不同)。當他在 1951 年參加狩獵派對時,他陷入一場關於歐洲最快獵鳥的爭論。三年後,他請研究員 ── 雙胞胎兄弟諾里斯.麥克沃特及羅斯.麥克沃特 ── 創作一本記載事實及數據的工具書。彙編這本書的目的是希望能解決類似的紛爭。他們花了大約十三週來完成該書的初版,並將其取名為 The Guinness Book of Records。



twin a. 雙胞胎的

assemble vt. 收集;聚集

dispute n. 爭論;爭執

