




The funny thing about becoming famous overnight is no one teaches you how to deal with it. As grateful as I am for this crazy journey I’ve been on, I always knew that when I got married I'd want to keep my personal life sacred and to myself for as long as I could.

While I still feel strongly about guarding aspects of my personal life, it has also been hard for people to not know about such a major change. After many years of being together, I married my wife in an intimate ceremony and it’s been the highlight of my life ever since. Finally sharing this beautiful day from over a couple years ago. I'm grateful to have found someone who loves me for who I am, to embrace my unique life, and to just do life with.

Hope this next year is full of health, time w loved ones and joyful memories for you all. Happy Lunar New Year from our family to yours 🧧❤️





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