N: Natalie  V: Vince

Natalie and Vince are watching a live broadcast of a baseball game between the Guardians and the Monkeys.

N: I haven’t watched a baseball game in years.

V: I’m glad you’re joining me to watch the game. My family loves the Guardians.

N: I’m not a huge fan, but sometimes games can be really exciting and have unexpected results.

V: I know what you mean. It’s fun to watch the team that is behind turn the tables.

N: Have you ever played baseball?

V: Yeah. I used to play back in middle school.

N: What position did you play?



娜塔莉: 我好幾年沒看棒球比賽了。

文 斯: 我很高興妳和我一起看球賽。我們家很喜歡守衛者隊。

娜塔莉: 我不是狂粉,但有時候比賽非常刺激並有意想不到的結果。

文 斯: 我懂妳的意思。看到落後的隊伍反敗為勝很有趣。

娜塔莉: 你有打過棒球嗎?

文 斯: 有啊。我唸中學時有打過。

娜塔莉: 你打什麼位置?


a live broadcast  現場直播

broadcast n. 電視∕廣播節目

be a (big / huge) fan (of...)  某人是(……的)超級粉絲∕狂熱愛好者

turn the tables  扭轉局勢;反敗為勝


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