Robin Sloan grew up in Troy, Michigan, where he developed a passion for reading at the city’s public library. While studying at Michigan State University, he co-founded a literary magazine named Oats. Later, he moved to San Francisco and worked in digital media. Similar to that of the main character in Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore, Sloan’s interest covers both the printed and digital realms. Sloan was inspired to write Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore after a friend misread “24-hour book drop” as “24-hour bookshop.”

  羅賓.史隆在密西根州的特洛伊市長大,他在該市的公共圖書館培養了對閱讀的熱情。當他就讀密西根州立大學時,他和別人共同創辦了名為 Oats 的文學雜誌。後來,他搬到舊金山並在數位媒體領域工作。與《24 小時神祕書店》的主角相似,史隆的興趣涵蓋印刷及數位的範疇。史隆在一位朋友將「24 小時還書服務」誤讀成「24 小時書店」後,被激發靈感而寫下《24 小時神祕書店》。



passion n. 熱情,熱愛

literary a. 文學的

cover vt. 包含




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壹蘋派生活美語 破解迷思!沙漠之舟的神祕駝峰